The expert equation

expertise learning

Note: The inspiration for this blog comes from this video.

What causes expertise?

Chess masters don't possess exceptional memory skills.
They have a better memory for chess positions that could occur in a real game.

Rather than seeing a chessboard as individual pieces, they perceive a smaller number of recognizable configurations. This is called 'chunking' - recognizing complex stimuli stored in long-term memory as a single unit.

For eg - We visualize 3.14 as Pi(π), rather than a string of 3 unrelated numbers.

At its core, expertise is about recognition. Magnus Carlsen recognizes chess positions in the same way we recognize faces. And recognition directly leads to intuition.

We recognize an angry face and know what's to come next.
Chess masters recognize board positions and instinctively know the optimal move.

The 10,000-hour rule or 10k iterations is a rule of thumb to develop expert-level recognition, but it's not sufficient.
To cultivate the long-term memory of an expert, four additional criteria must be met:

1. Repeated attempts with feedback

2. Valid environment

3. Early/Timely feedback

4. Deliberate practice
